Coming out in the 1970s Documentary from Gabriel Gasca on Vimeo.
Queer Film
Stay Positive – Short film #HIV
Stay Positive from Robert-Carnilius on Vimeo.
Provincetown International Film Festival
Frameline International LGBT Film Festival
The Seattle Lesbian & Gay Film Festival
Fresno Reel Pride Gay and Lesbian Film Festival
Reeling Chicago LBGT International Film Festival
Cinema Mostra AIDS|Sao Paulor, Brazil
Mezipatra Queer Film Festival|Czech Republic
Torino Gay & Lesbian Film Festival
Melbourne Queer Film Festival
A Place of My Own – Short Film
A young boy caught between his conservative mother’s scrutiny and his own desire to dress in girls’ clothes. This divide erects irreversible barriers between his mother and himself.
As I watched this I couldn’t help but note the similarities occurring in my own family over a young niece’s coming out.
invisible – Short LGBT Film
Because love knows no gender.
Harley – A Sneak Peek at this Upcoming Gay Film
So far it’s short clips strung together and you’ll still see some watermarks. But the quality of the actors, the message, and the tension behind all of it caught my attention quickly. I think it will do the same for you. Let me know what you think.
Worst Thing About Coming Out
We hear a lot of stories, especially recently, about the wonders of coming out. Here’s an interesting documentary about what an LGBT person goes through and what happens after that momentous occasion. A common theme in this film, and what I often see in real life, is that teens especially fear their parent’s reaction much more than they do their peers. Or is it as one person suggests, that you are perpetually coming out? You decide.
Worst Thing About Coming Out: stories of identity oppression 60 minutes documentary from Rob Schmidt on Vimeo.