A lot of my posts are on the serious side, so I thought we’d have some fun and asked fellow authors what kind of reactions they got when someone they knew found out they wrote gay romance. These answers come from both male and female authors alike. Feel free to add the nuances of your own ‘outing’ in the comments. We can always use more lols.
1. You write M/M? Isn’t that like…gay smut?
Not necessarily no, some of it is highly erotic; some of it is based more on love and passion.
[An awkward pause.] Have you had the kind of sex you write about?
[To mom/other relatives/kids]: No, I’m a paragon of Southern gentlemanly virtue.
[To a really hot man-hunk]: You want a test run? That can be arranged. Let me call my agent.
2. OMG, what if your boss finds out?!
He’s worried. If I make too much money doing it I might quit my day job.
3. What do you write?
Gay paranormal romance.
So…you’re gay?
I’m a vampire.
4. But… what about your kids?!?
Only one beta reads.
5. From a mom, waggling her eyebrows
So what character do you imagine yourself as (top or bottom)?
6. From another mom.
Did you finish the story you were writing?
Yes, all done and gone to my readers for proofing before I edit.
So where’s my copy, have you e-mailed it to me?
Er, no, well, I don’t think you’d like it.
Don’t be silly, of course I’ll like it, it’s historical after all, you borrowed those books from me.
Well, yes, it’s historical, but well it’s an alternative piece.
Yes, it’s got two heroes rather than the conventional hero and heroine couple.
And why should that make a difference?
Well it doesn’t really, but it’s not just a historical piece, it’s, kind of a romance.
So why won’t you read it?
It’s not a young adult romance, it’s an adult one.
I’m 73, I think that counts as adult.
Fine, read it…………
7. Another day with the same mom
[Around her kitchen table with her old school friends as she was making meatballs.]
The recipe says, about the size of a walnut, what sort of size is that?
(Distracted) About the size of a healthy prostate gland.
If you say so. [She answers calmly while her two friends fall silent.]
8. Aunt #1
Hey wait! This is about two guys! [Reading her fav romance author, keeps reading] When can I read yours?
Oh, not for a loooooong time >.<
9. Aunt #2
[on the phone from her retirement community] I read your books!
You did?!
They made me horny. [She cackles.]
10. Grandpa
You write about homos?
Yes, grandpa, I’m gay. Remember?
[He mumbles something incoherent, then beckons] Got anything with lesbians?
Thanks to all the authors who shared. If you want another laugh see Jaye McKenna’s post on her own outing.